What Causes Leaky Gut?

The term “Leaky Gut” gets tossed around a lot in the health world. “Find out if you have leaky gut HERE,” “If you have these symptoms, you have Leaky Gut!” So many people are telling us we have it, but they’re not telling why. To me, why you have something is the most important thing to know because when you know, you can stop whatever is causing it.

What is Leaky Gut, Anyway?

Intestinal Hyperpermeability (AKA Leaky Gut), is when you have little holes in your intestines that make you have food sensitivities. The most common food sensitivities caused by leaky gut are: gluten, soy, and peanuts. No one is supposed to be sensitive to these foods, but because leaky gut is so common, a lot of people are.

In most cases, people who have leaky gut will feel bloated, have diarrhea, and skin problems (e.g. eczema, rough skin, acne, etc.).

What Causes It?

There are a few factors to the cause of leaky gut, but the one I focus on the most is GMO Foods. The reason I focus on these for the cause of leaky gut in so many people is the fact of what their purpose is. Take GMO corn, for example. Monsanto’s Bt Corn is equipped with an insecticide inside the corn. This is what happens: a bug sees the corn and thinks, “that sure looks tasty,” the bug goes to the corn, and takes a bite. Then, the bug’s stomach bursts.

The pesticide is called Bt-toxin. It breaks open the stomach of the bug who tried to eat it. Monsanto tries to say that this Bt-toxin does not affect humans, and only harms insects. Well, I and other big names in the health industry beg to differ. People like Dr. Mercola, Dr. Josh Axe, and others, all see the link in GMO crops and Leaky Gut. Just think about it for a sec, if this Bt-toxin blows a bug’s stomach up when they first eat it, couldn’t it be doing it to us, on a smaller scale, of course? Couldn’t it be causing holes in our intestines? I definitely think so. This is why I always tell people trying to heal their guts to stop eating GMO foods. They are causing so much more harm than good.

Another factor in the cause of leaky gut could be: eating too much meat and other animal products.

I’m sure if you’re reading my blog, you’re probably already vegan, or trying to go vegan, but just in case…

Our intestinal tract and stomach are not designed to digest meat and animal products. Especially meat. Meat eaters like wolves and lions, have short digestive tracts and a lot more stomach acid! Humans’ digestive tracts are about 21 feet long. That’s about 4x my height! A wolf’s digestive tract is about 3-4 feet long. That’s about the length of their bodies. Carnivorous digestive tracts are designed to move the food quickly through the body. Why is this, you ask? Well, when meat stays in your body for a long period of time, it starts to rot, just like it would if it were sitting out somewhere. In humans, beef usually takes about 3 days to digest. Can you imagine how rotten it is by then?

Meat and dairy products are also inflammatory and acidic foods, which means, they inflame (irritate) the intestinal tract, and once in your blood stream, they inflame other areas of your body, like joints, etc. The acidity in them can cause major deterioration in bone mass and other adverse health affects.

What Do I Do, Now?

Well, now you know what causes Leaky Gut, which is the first step to healing! Now, you need to learn more about healing leaky gut, and I have a whole playlist on YouTube about Healing Leaky Gut While Vegan. If you want or need more specialized help, I am a health coach, and have a personalized program for Healing Leaky Gut While Vegan! To find out more about that, click here.

I’m creating a new product: Announcing: Vegan “Bone Broth” Powder



4 thoughts on “What Causes Leaky Gut?

  1. […] Alcohol is harmful to all organs in your body, but I’ll focus on the intestines, right now. In your gut, there are hormonal substances called prostaglandins. These substances moderate inflammation. Drinking alcohol suppresses the production of prostaglandins. Without these, more inflammation is likely to happen inside the gut, and cause damage in the form of intestinal permeability (leaky gut). […]


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